There be whales out there,
but you'll find em in ere!
Sign up today!

Hailing all whale and dolphin watch captains!

This is a website dedicated to putting you in front of a bigger audience than ever before.  And if that isn’t big enough news to get you stroking those salty beards (apologies to lady skippers out there!), then there’s more because . . . it’s free! That’s right, free to use, free to list and free to join in!  

Planet Whale is designed to help you to develop and show off your business to the world’s whale and dolphin watchers. Central to Planet Whale is our ‘search’, where everyone can search the world - by country, location, time of year, species, boat trip, plane flight, swim-with and much more. 

Aimed at never-seen-a-whale novices, as well as those who know the ropes, Planet Whale is the first port of call for everybody wanting to go whale watching across the globe. In short - be here, be seen.


At Planet Whale:

• show off your whale watching opportunities
• contribute to knowledge, and discusses issues
• read reviews of trips and places
• promote whale watching and improve standards
• come together - whale watchers, operators, non-profits and more


And what’s in it for us at Planet Whale? Simple. We want to go to bed every night with the rosy glow that comes with running an ethical website and community that will raise the standard for global whale watching, and inspire millions of people to connect with nature and each other. Even then, we may still be grumpy in the morning until we have had at least three coffees!

Create your Planet Whale account by registering with us, then simply list your boat for free here!

See who’s already listed by clicking here


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Baleen Whales:
Toothed Whales:
Beaked Whales:
Ocean Dolphins:
River Dolphins: