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Associación Mundo Azul

We believe that it is necessary to integrate nature conservation with the fight against poverty, sustainable development and improvement of human and animal welfare. Nowadays, living in an interconnected world, conservation cannot be restricted to marine environments on the one hand or protected areas on the other hand, but has to work in all existing environments, including the urban environment or agricultural and industrial landscapes.Therefore, Mundo Azul works throughout Peru on a wide range of topics while maintaining our marine conservation efforts.

Mundo Azul envisions a future in which humans have learned to live in harmony with their own kind, other species and nature itself. Natural resources will be used in a sustainable way, for human and animal welfare. The continuity of natural cycles will be a key issue of economic development, poverty will have been overcome and the size of the human population will stay within the limits of our planets carrying capacity.

Mundo Azul contributes to the conservation of biological diversity and nature, to sustainable development, to poverty reduction and to improved human and animal welfare.

Our objectives are to support, strengthen and implement all necessary measures for the conservation of nature and biodiversity, through field work, research, environmental education, media work, political action and advocacy.

Calle Enrique del Horme 214,
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Miraflores, Lima
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Campaign against illegal dolphin killing in Peru

Associación Mundo Azul
According to our undercover research up to 3,000 dolphins are illegally killed each year for human consumption in Peru. We inform the public, gather intelligence for the police, support police raids and train policemen in environmental law.


Associación Mundo Azul
We are lobbying for the closure of Peru’s only captive dolphin facility; a hotel

National Protected Areas

Associación Mundo Azul
Thanks to nine years lobbying by Mundo Azul, the government recently created the National Reserve Guano Islands to protect marine bird and marine mammal habitat. We are now assisting the government in the management of the area.

Population Research

Associación Mundo Azul
Dolphin/whale population research (photo-ID) studying one of the worlds highest dolphin densities with more than 1,500 dolphins in 200 km of coast line. Our goal is to identify hotspots/important cetacean habitats to establish marine protected areas.

Promoting sustainable whale and dolphin watching

Associación Mundo Azul
Tourism offers an economic alternative for coastal communities in order to stop illegal dolphin killing. We train fishermen as naturalist guides. We train tour operators in how to minimize environmental impacts and we promote whale watching guidelines.

Donate to Mundo Azul

Associación Mundo Azul
Please contact us if you would like to donate funds or equipment to help sustain the work of Mundo Azul.

Adopt a Dolphin

Associación Mundo Azul
Support our dolphin research program by adopting and/or baptising a dolphin!
2013 Responsible Whale Watch Partnership:Click here to read more about the partnership