There be whales out there,
but you'll find em in ere!
Sign up today!

Blue Whale excrement!

Want to learn more about wild whales & dolphins?  Fancy some valuable qualifications on your CV?  Or maybe your spotting skills need some fine-tuning?  There’s a world of opportunities out there and this will be the place to find out what courses are nearest to you . . . it's just that we haven't created it yet!

Remember that if you run a training course and want to get it in front of the world’s whale watchers then This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it at Planet Whale - we’ve got a range of ways to help your publicity.

Help us to protect whales and dolphins. Support our project to showcase the world’s 150 whale and dolphin conservation organisations

End date 06-30-2011
Goal $15,000.00
Donated amount $0.00


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