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    WhaleFest 2011 - Hove Centre, Brighton, UK, Sat 5th - Sun 6th November 


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Save a stranded whale


Get involved in a real-time whale rescue with the British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) team. Meet their stranded Pilot Whale (don't worry, it's not real!) and learn why these whales sometimes wash ashore and how you can help to refloat them. Mini training programmes will run throughout the weekend and are free to adults and children to take part.
















British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR) was formed in 1988, when a few like minded divers got together in response to the mass mortality of Harbour seals in the Wash area of East Anglia, to do what they could for the rescue effort.

Every year, BDMLR trains over 400 volunteer Marine Mammal Medics and has 20 whale rescue pontoons located at strategic points throughout the UK, waiting to help stranded whales and dolphins.